The Sync: Practical, Informative, Strategic AI Perspectives

Google's AI Summaries Stir Controversy, OpenAI Clarifies Johansson's Voice Mix-Up and More!

This Week’s Highlights on the Sync!

🚀 Explore Mermaid.JS With Joseph in Excalidraw on Obsidian!

Harness the power of JavaScript to turn complex ideas into clear, visual diagrams. This tutorial goes beyond the basics, guiding you through integrating Mermaid.js using ChatGPT to create insightful and impactful visualizations, like making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich! Joseph shows how to seamlessly transition these diagrams into Excalidraw within Obsidian, enhancing your visualization skills and workflow.

📰 News You Need To Know


Google's introduction of AI-generated summaries for all U.S. search users is creating controversy due to frequent inaccuracies. These issues have not only fueled public backlash but also inspired a slew of memes, illustrating the difficulties of balancing AI-driven innovation with reliable search results.


Recent claims suggest OpenAI mimicked Scarlett Johansson's voice for ChatGPT, sparking legal and ethical debates. However, records and OpenAI confirm that another actress, whose voice naturally resembles Johansson's, provided the vocals for ChatGPT's "Sky." This clarification comes amid broader discussions on AI ethics and the responsible use of celebrity likenesses in technology.


Amazon plans to revamp Alexa with generative AI, making it more conversational and shifting to a standalone subscription model. Although previously leading in voice assistants, Alexa now contends with emerging AI chatbots. This update could boost Amazon's AI presence, using its vast device network, despite facing technical challenges and fierce competition.


Khan Academy teams up with Microsoft to offer free AI tools to U.S. K-12 teachers through the Khanmigo for Teachers program, saving time and enriching lessons. They're also exploring AI-driven math tutoring improvements using Microsoft’s Phi-3 models to make educational tools more accessible and effective.

📚AI - Word of the Week

Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge Distillation is a technique in machine learning where a smaller, more efficient model (called a "student") learns to perform tasks by mimicking a larger, already-trained model (known as the "teacher"). This method helps in transferring the knowledge from complex models to simpler ones that are easier to deploy.

How can we efficiently deploy powerful AI models on devices with limited processing power? Knowledge Distillation provides a viable solution.

Typically, deploying highly complex AI models on devices like smartphones or embedded systems is not feasible due to hardware limitations. Knowledge Distillation addresses this by allowing the "student" model to learn from the "teacher" model’s outputs, effectively compressing the knowledge into a form that retains effectiveness while being significantly more compact and faster to execute.

Here’s how Knowledge Distillation benefits AI deployment:

  • Efficiency: It creates models that require less computational power and storage space, enabling their use on devices with limited resources.

  • Speed: Smaller models reduce latency, making them suitable for real-time applications like mobile apps.

  • Energy Consumption: Lighter models consume less energy, which is crucial for battery-powered devices.

Tips for Using This Method:

  • Choose the Right Teacher: The effectiveness of the student model often depends on the quality and the compatibility of the teacher model.

  • Balance Complexity: Adjust the complexity of the student model to ensure it learns effectively without becoming too cumbersome.

  • Continuous Monitoring: Regularly evaluate the performance of the student model to ensure it maintains high accuracy over time.

Why It Matters:

Knowledge Distillation is essential for making AI accessible on a wide range of devices, broadening the applicability of advanced AI technologies. By enabling efficient model deployment, it helps integrate AI into everyday applications, enhancing user experiences and extending the reach of AI innovations.

🌐 Intro to Data Analytics with ChatGPT

Starting June 3rd: Transform Your Data Skills with No Math or Code Required

Dive into the essentials of data analysis with our upcoming course, "Intro to Data Analytics with ChatGPT!" Ideal for those upgrading from basic spreadsheet skills or starting from scratch, this course provides all the tools you need to excel in data handling. Beginning June 3rd, we still have spots open!

Join instructor Wes Shields as we take you through the basics of data management to advanced techniques for data refinement. This no-math, no-code course will help you create powerful presentations and informed strategies, utilizing ChatGPT’s capabilities every step of the way.

Secure your place now and receive a 10% discount with the code SAVE10!

🔬Research and Discoveries

Norm Inconsistency in LLM Decision Making

Key Findings/Implications

This research study delves into the decision-making processes of Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4, Gemini 1.0, and Claude 3 Sonnet, specifically their responses to surveillance scenarios using Amazon Ring footage. A striking finding is the LLMs’ tendency to recommend calling the police based on vague or non-threatening scenarios, often influenced more by the racial demographics of the neighborhoods in the videos than by the actual behavior observed. This indicates a profound inconsistency in how LLMs apply norms across different contexts, raising concerns about their use in sensitive areas such as home security and public surveillance. These models displayed a higher likelihood of suggesting police intervention in neighborhoods with higher percentages of minority populations, highlighting a potential to reinforce existing biases and contribute to disproportionate policing practices. This behavior underscores the urgent need for frameworks that ensure AI decisions are fair and unbiased, particularly when they may impact public safety and community trust.

Framing the Discussion

The implications of deploying LLMs in roles that involve critical judgment and decision-making are vast and complex. The observed norm inconsistency in LLM recommendations reflects a broader issue within AI development: the challenge of encoding ethical guidelines and contextual sensitivity into models trained primarily on vast, unfiltered internet data. This research emphasizes the importance of designing LLMs that not only recognize textual patterns but also understand and apply social norms fairly across diverse scenarios. Addressing these challenges involves enhancing the transparency of AI decision-making processes, developing robust methods to detect and correct biases in training data, and implementing regulatory standards that guide the ethical use of AI in surveillance and law enforcement. This study calls for a multi-disciplinary approach to AI development, involving ethicists, sociologists, and community stakeholders to ensure that AI technologies serve the public without exacerbating existing social inequities.

Putting it into Daily Workflows

Integrating responsible AI use in daily workflows, especially those involving surveillance and decision-making, requires a multi-faceted approach. Organizations should start by implementing strict audit procedures to regularly assess the fairness and accuracy of AI recommendations, ensuring that decisions made by LLMs are based on relevant and non-discriminatory factors. It's also crucial to develop and enforce strict guidelines for AI use in high-stakes scenarios, clearly defining what constitutes a valid trigger for actions such as police intervention. Training programs for AI developers and users should include components on ethical AI use, highlighting the importance of critical oversight and the potential consequences of AI-driven decisions. Collaboration with AI ethics boards can provide continual oversight and guidance, adapting policies as new ethical challenges arise. By embedding these practices into the organizational culture, entities can harness the benefits of AI technologies while safeguarding against their potential to perpetuate or amplify harmful biases.

🤝 Together, We Innovate

At Synthminds, we're convinced that it's through partnership with our community that we can fully harness AI's capabilities. Your perspectives, journeys, and inquisitiveness propel our collective journey forward.

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